
The world of exclusive living.

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Time pressure when selling a property.

Selling a house or a flat only after one has already found a new home of one’s own is an understandable consideration. However, the implementation of this idea often fails in reality due to the scarce supply of suitable alternatives and the complex nature of real estate transactions.

 The “right time” to sell a property. 

The thought of selling often develops over a longer period of time for property owners until it becomes concrete. Choosing the right time to sell in order to get the best possible price is often also a consideration.

Demand for residential property remains robust.

The real estate consulting and valuation company IAZI AG has just published its latest figures on the Swiss real estate market again. The conclusion for private residential property is simple and brief: “Robust demand is being matched by tighter supply, which should continue to support prices for condominiums and single-family homes.”