
The world of exclusive living.

SVIT and condominium ownership law.

The provisions on condominium ownership are to be modernised. The Federal Council wants to adapt condominium ownership law even better to the needs of owners by making specific changes. In addition, gaps in the law are to be closed and legal certainty increased. The Swiss Chamber of Condominium Owners and SVIT Switzerland have now commented on this as part of the consultation process.

New “Eigenmietwerte» from 2026 in the canton of Zurich.

It may be a little confusing, because while the National Parliament is currently debating the abolition of the so called “Eigenmietwert“ (imputed rental value), the canton of Zurich will increase it for the 2026 tax period. In an online publication, ZKB has now shown in the form of model calculations what this will mean for which owners in their respective municipalities, assuming a marginal tax rate of 15 per cent.

Raiffeisen: Condominium prices on the rise

According to Raiffeisen Switzerland, prices for single-family homes fell by 0.1 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2024; however, condominiums cost 1.4 per cent more than in the previous quarter. The strongest price increases within a year were recorded for single-family homes in the centres and in urban regions; prices for condominiums rose the most in central Switzerland over the past four quarters.