
The world of exclusive living.

How will we live together? asks the Venice Architecture Biennale 2021.

This year’s 17th Venice Architecture Biennale promises an answer to the question of how we will live together in its title. The Wüst-und-Wüst-Magazin editorial team went to see whether it can provide this answer and returned home with mixed feelings.

Darstellung: Sergey Makhno Architects
How will we build in the future?

baunetz interior design presents six architectural concepts and ideas as new perspectives for dealing with building in the future. Besides, how we will live with each other in the future is also the theme of this year’s Venice Architecture Biennale.

Why Biophilic Architecture is Set to Change the World.

Three prominent architects that are blurring the line between the natural and man made, championing sustainable design, and building a healthier future. To all of them integrating nature into architecture is key when it comes to create a healthier environment.