
The world of exclusive living.

open your eyes – Zurich becomes a photo open-air.

From September 8 to October 15, 2023, OPEN YOUR EYES will present a festival of creative photography to the public in Zurich – as a plea for understanding the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The photographs will be exhibited in the streets, squares and parks of Zurich to break the boundaries with viewers and involve them in the process of reflecting.

Luxury Defined presents Game Rooms for Entertaining.

Luxury Defined, the online magazine of Christie’s International Real Estate, spotlights that special room in a special house, dedicated solely to the creation of recreation: a leisurely leisure space, custom built and kitted out with games galore and entertainment à gogo.

Quellen: Bloomberg, UBS Switzerland AG 
Werte bis einschliesslich 2010 basieren auf Libor und ab 2011 auf SARON. Der effektive Zinssatz des Produkts berechnet sich aus Marge + Compounded SARON der jeweiligen Abrechnungsperiode. Für die Berechnung des Zinssatzes kann der Compounded SARON nie kleiner als null sein.
Property prices and mortgage interest rates are likely to stagnate.

In its latest report on the development of property prices as of the end of August, Avobis found stagnating or even slightly declining trends. The average price of a single-family home is stagnating for the third month in a row. And according to UBS, the outlook for possible interest rate cuts in 2024 should lead to slightly lower interest rates in the coming quarters.