
The world of exclusive living.

Swiss real estate market remains robust.

According to IAZI AG, the Swiss real estate market shows no signs of weakness in the 3rd quarter of the current year. The evaluation of current freehold transactions shows that the willingness to pay for houses and flats has risen again, the company writes.

Interesting new book publication – Garden: Exploring the Horticultural World.

Spanning more than four millennia of horticultural heritage, a forthcoming tome from Phaidon celebrates the diverse mediums, trends, and traditions of gardens around the globe. Brimming with more than 300 full-color illustrations, Garden: Exploring the Horticultural World encompasses how geography, time periods, and purpose influence myriad landscape designs and gardening culture, along with numerous other art forms.

Copenhagen: © Werner Mäder, Uetikon
You should definitely visit these architectural gems in Copenhagen.

The online magazine archdaily recently described Copenhagen as a living testament to its architectural heritage, innovative urban development and commitment to sustainability and quality of life. The city inspires the whole world with its quality of urban life, which consists of efficient and smart mobility systems and vibrant and interesting public and private spaces.