
The world of exclusive living.

Copenhagen: © Werner Mäder, Uetikon
You should definitely visit these architectural gems in Copenhagen.

The online magazine archdaily recently described Copenhagen as a living testament to its architectural heritage, innovative urban development and commitment to sustainability and quality of life. The city inspires the whole world with its quality of urban life, which consists of efficient and smart mobility systems and vibrant and interesting public and private spaces.

These are the drivers of rising property prices.

In a study by the Federal Office of Housing (BWO) and other partners, possible causes for rising housing costs in Switzerland were investigated. The housing market was divided into two segments, the owner-occupied and the rental market, and therefore both the prices for residential property (single-family houses and condominiums) and net rents offered were taken into account.

Quellen: Bloomberg, UBS Switzerland AG; Werte bis einschliesslich 2010 basieren auf Libor und ab 2011 auf SARON. Der effektive Zinssatz des Produkts berechnet sich aus Marge + Compounded SARON der jeweiligen Abrechnungsperiode. Für die Berechnung des Zinssatzes kann der Compounded SARON nie kleiner als null sein.
UBS expects stable interest rates for Saron mortgages.

Gute News für HausbesitzerInnen mit flexiblen Hypotheken: Die UBS erwartet in ihrer neuesten Zinsprognose “Zinsentwicklung: Die SNB überrascht” bereits für das nächste Quartal stabile und später sogar sinkende Zinsen für Saron-Hypotheken.