
The world of exclusive living.

6 Cultural Experiences to Enjoy From Home.

Christie’s magazine luxurydefined describes six examples of how to experience some of the best cultural activities in the world first hand, from museum exhibitions to cooking classes – through virtual tours.

Walk to sweet fruits and golden corn.

In these times of Corona, you sometimes get the ceiling on your head from staying home so much. Then why not go on a hike, especially now, when spring is slowly beginning to show. Hiking through rural cultural landscapes is healthy and if you follow the recommendations of the Federal Office of Public Health, it is not forbidden. (Booklet in German/French or German/Italian)

Still Life Photography for the Modern Home
Still Life Photography for The Modern Home.

First seen in the 1800s, still life photography continues to enthrall its creators and viewers, and draws on the centuries-old painting tradition. Christie’s online-magazine luxury defined presents four contemporary still life photographers.