
The world of exclusive living.

20 Years of “Ferien im Baudenkmal”.

The diversity of Swiss building culture is unique. For 20 years, the foundation Ferien im Baudenkmal has been successfully promoting their visibility and meaningful use, writes the foundation on the occasion of its 20th anniversary. It is celebrating this with various anniversary activities.

Who benefits from the abolition of the imputed rental value?

Parliament has decided: The imputed rental value is to be abolished. The bill now has to be voted on by the people and the cantons at the ballot box. According to Raiffeisen Switzerland in a press release, if the vote is in favour, ‘depending on the type of household, homeowners would achieve considerable tax savings given the prevailing low interest rates.

What Does US$2.5 Million Buy?

Would you like to buy a great property anywhere in the world for around 2.5 million dollars? Or would you simply like to know what properties are available for this amount around the world? Then you should definitely take a look at this blog post on the online magazine Luxury Defined from Christie’s International Real Estate.