Web app creates transparency in the American real estate market.

Characteristics of free markets are, among others, free competition, open market access for all suppliers and consumers, and complete price transparency. At least, this is how economists argue when they evaluate the functioning of markets. Especially in the areas of market access and price transparency, a lot has happened in recent years with the internet and social media, as the example of the real estate website Zillow in the USA shows.

Aussenansicht Vitra Design Museum, © Vitra Design Museum; Foto: Christoph Sagel
Here we are! Design Women at the Vitra Design Museum.

From 23 September 2021 to 6 March 2022, the Vitra Design Museum in Weil am Rhein will be showing how women have made decisive contributions to the development of modern design as designers of furniture, fashion or industrial products and as interior architects or entrepreneurs. However, they feature much less often in the history books of design than men.

FOGO - Leben am Vulkanplatz; Photo: Georg Aerni, Zürich
Zurich’s best buildings of the period 2016 to 2020.

Every five years, the City of Zurich presents the award for good buildings. On 20 September, the award ceremony took place for the 18th time. Twelve awards and nine recognitions were presented by the 13-member jury of prominent experts. There was also an audience award for “FOGO – Leben am Vulkanplatz.”