Photo by Andrea Davis on Unsplash
Sustainability is becoming increasingly important for real estate.

Those who do not apply certain industry standards endanger the value of a property in the long term. The view that sustainability pays off and is associated with long-term positive effects for society as a whole is becoming more and more prevalent, UBS writes in its online mortgage magazine.

Website DA Z
International Festival of Digital Art in Zurich.

DA Z is an international festival in Zurich dedicated to current and socially relevant contributions of digital culture. The digital arts festival DA Z offers a dense programme around digital art from 27 to 31 October 2021.

Prices for private residential property in the 3rd quarter increased again.

Der «SWX IAZI Private Real Estate Price Index» für privates Wohneigentum (Einfamilienhäuser und Eigentumswohnungen) erzielt im 3. Quartal 2021 einen Anstieg von 1.2% . Auf Jahresbasis beträgt das Preiswachstum 5.5%. «Bei der Preisentwicklung für Wohneigentum geht es mit Volldampf weiter. Besonders in Krisenzeiten bleiben Immobilien sehr begehrte Anlageobjekte», sagt Donato Scognamiglio, CEO der IAZI AG.