Best places to live in the world

According to the Global Liveability Index 2024, which recognises cities that strive to constantly improve the quality of life of their inhabitants. “for the third consecutive year, Vienna ranked as the most liveable city in the world. The European cities Copenhagen, Zurich, and Geneva also rank high, attributed to their smaller populations, which contribute to lower crime rates and less congestion.”

Raiffeisen: Condominium prices on the rise

According to Raiffeisen Switzerland, prices for single-family homes fell by 0.1 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2024; however, condominiums cost 1.4 per cent more than in the previous quarter. The strongest price increases within a year were recorded for single-family homes in the centres and in urban regions; prices for condominiums rose the most in central Switzerland over the past four quarters.

Immobilia’ magazine comments on BWO study on the rental model.

The Federal Office for Housing BWO has published the commissioned study ‘Review of the Federal Office for Housing’s rent model’. This concludes that the rent model from the 1980s is no longer up to date in several respects.’ The SVIT is of the opinion that various assumptions in the study should be rejected. SVIT cannot agree with the authors’ main demand for a standardised new model.’