Amazônia – an impressive photo exhibition by Sebastião Salgado.

The Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado is showing his successful exhibition “Amazônia” in the Maag Hall in Zurich West until 13 August 2023. He has dedicated it to the world’s largest rainforest and its indigenous population.

photo basel – the first and only photo art fair in Switzerland.

photo basel is the first and only photo art fair in Switzerland and is dedicated exclusively to art photography. This year it will take place from 13 to 18 June. Similar to Art Basel at the nearby exhibition centre (from 15 to 18 June) for art in the broader sense, photo basel is the ideal place for anyone who is interested in or collects classic and contemporary photographic art.

The State of Luxury Real Estate in Monaco.

Monaco, the glamorous city-state nestled on the French Riviera, is a gem of luxury and beauty. Known as a playground for the rich and famous, this tiny principality boasts a unique blend of elegance, wealth, and stunning natural surroundings. A recent article in Luxury Defined, the online magazine of Christie’s International Real Estate, provides a good insight into Monacos luxury real estate market.