Rents in urban centres continue to rise sharply.

According to the IAZI, the Swiss property market is not yet showing any signs of a correction; residential property prices are continuing to rise. While existing rents are likely to fall slightly again, asking rents in urban centres and tourist regions are rising sharply.

Luxury Defined presents 5 Grand Sporting Estates.

In its latest article, the online magazine Luxury Defined from Christie’s International Real Estate writes that there are only a few places left that let them completely off the grid, to unplug, to unwind in the great outdoors.

British artist creates street objets to make the world a bit more surrealistic.

Why do street lamp posts always have to be straight? Shouldn’t a telephone booth – since it’s no longer in use anyway – be twisted once in a while? And should the walls of a house sometimes have a zip? The British artist Alex Chinneck answers questions like these with his artworks on the streets, squares and house walls of Bristol.