How to renovate your home in style.

In recent months, there have been increasing calls to preserve and respectfully renovate existing structures instead of demolishing them. In many cases, this demand is very difficult to realise; building regulations, the goal of more living space or financing are just a few examples of the restrictive framework conditions. The online magazine baunetz interior|design shows five successful examples from neighbouring countries.

The book “Immobilienratgeber” contains interesting facts about property.

Hugo Steiner AG, which like WüstundWüst is part of the Intercity Group, has been publishing news and interesting facts about property in the St. Galler Tagblatt every Friday for five years. The articles also appear here on their website. For the fifth time, the company has summarised the 133 most recent articles in an anthology, which you can order free of charge; the last four issues can also be ordered.

Die Fotografische Langzeitbeobachtung Schlieren 2005 - 2020 zeigt, wie sich das Schweizer Mittelland entwickelt. Das Buch "Stadtwerdung im Zeitraffer" ist bei Scheidegger und Spiess erschienen.
Urban development in fast motion: a long-term photographic observation.

A study recently published in book form uses the city of Schlieren as an example to remind us in photographic form how quickly our cities and suburbs have grown in the past. The images in the book “Stadtwerdung im Zeitraffer” show exemplarily how the Swiss Mittelland developed between 2005 and 2020.