England holidays in good architecture.

Many people who live at home in lovingly designed properties are satisfied with often joyless holiday accommodation during their holidays. The organization living arcitecture in England has done something about this; it has built wonderful holiday homes by renowned architects in extraordinary places in the south of England. (Full text in German with link to website in english.)

Inspired by Star Wars.

Some estates are so extremely crazy that you have to look twice to believe they are real. These include the seven totally futuristic properties that could easily play a starring role in the Star Wars movies. (Full text in german, link to english original)

Silvesterchlausen in the canton of Appenzell.

With an article about a very special New Year’s Eve custom in Appenzellerland, the editorial team of the Wüst und Wüst magazine wishes you relaxing holidays and a super start to the New Year. (Full text in english)