Eight holiday destinations that guarantee relaxation.

Whether you’re looking for a high-octane adventure on the slopes, or somewhere to lie back and relax with some good food and wine, the Luxury Defined 2020 travel list has something for everyone.

Eight Alternative Art Fairs to Visit in 2020.

Apart from Art Basel and the fairs of Frieze, there are emerging or regionally anchored art fairs around the world where artists can be discovered who have not yet made it onto the big platforms. Eight of them are presented here. (Text in German; link to original text in luxurydefined by Christie’s in English)

England holidays in good architecture.

Many people who live at home in lovingly designed properties are satisfied with often joyless holiday accommodation during their holidays. The organization living arcitecture in England has done something about this; it has built wonderful holiday homes by renowned architects in extraordinary places in the south of England. (Full text in German with link to website in english.)