Flowers to Arts: Florist Severin Stadler, Alexandre Calame
Flowers to Arts in the Aargauer Kunsthaus.

Until March 8, 2020 the Aargauer Kunsthaus will be showing something very special that you should not miss if you love art and flowers. On display are creations by 14 outstanding florists and young talents from various parts of Switzerland.

Ein Führer durch New Yorks West Village.
A Guide to New York’s West Village.

The online magazine luxurydefined from Christie’s International Real Estate portrays the character of New York’s West Village with its historical charm and vibrant culture in a detailed article.

The Vitra Museum shows 20 visionary interiors.

The Vitra Design Museum in Weil am Rhein launches with its current exhibition “Home Stories. 100 Years, 20 Visionary Interiors”, a new debate about the private interior, its history and its future prospects; about our home as an expression of our lifestyle.