Architekturführer. Gebäude, Freirau, Infrastruktur
Finally, there is an architecture guide for the city of Zurich.

If you are new to Zurich, or would like to get to know the city where you live or work from a new perspective, then you should definitely take a look at the new book “Architekturführer Zürich. Gebäude – Freiraum – Infrastruktur”. recently published by Edition Hochparterre.

frölicher I bietenhader: “ctrl + s (prekäre Stellen)”, sketch for Art Safiental 2020
Landscape art in the Swiss Safien valley.

Of course you would like to have the works of your favourite artists in your own house or garden. But this year, Art Safiental proves for the third time that modern art can have a unique effect even in a magnificent landscape.

Prices for residential real estate continue to rise.

One might think that the rather gloomy outlook for the Swiss economy is also casting dark clouds on the real estate market. Contrary to these expectations, however, the Swiss real estate market has so far come through the first half of the fiscal year relatively unscathed.