According to the IAZI, home prices are continuing to rise.

According to the IAZI, the Swiss property market is showing opposing trends at the end of the second quarter of 2024. While the willingness to pay for residential property continues to grow, the price trend for investment properties is stagnating. However, the price momentum for investment properties could well pick up again in the medium term.

Swiss property associations found «Bund für mehr Wohnraum”.

Switzerland – and the large urban centres in particular – is suffering from a growing shortage of affordable housing. Ten major property associations have therefore founded the “Bund für mehr Wohnraum” (Federation for more housing). This organisation is committed to a fair, well-functioning housing market, effective and sustainable measures to combat the housing shortage and the construction of sufficient new flats in Switzerland.

Sacred Sites – a monumental book about the spiritual places of this world.

The richly illustrated book Sacred Sites, which will soon be published by Taschen, is a visual exploration of the world’s most important cultural sites. It is a visual pilgrimage to mountains, pyramids and cathedrals that document how the human need for spirituality characterises our world.